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Old 08-11-04, 01:43 AM   #23
<<NaMe ReTiReD>>
Posts: 37

ok 1st im jus postin cause i don't think
anybody here has given ya any decent feedback..
what i say is ta help ya elevate..
n i aint riding ya pussy like errybody else
im gonna say i enjoyed it but a poem especially
bout love should be able ta be understood by erry1,
ya got a little 2 complex"i don't say that often".
.loli'll break it down 4 ya.....

A sweet story solemnly sets upon your lips
^nice wording..good opener n sence of direction^
and majestic melancholy music drowns my eyes.
^ok the 2 m's here put it off/1st n 2nd line should rhyme^
A tractile tear transits down my weary cheek.
And love's long lusts choke so I do not speak.
^i liked this line/flowed n was a strong sta.ment^
A sensational smile sweeps across my face
And your divine devotion devours my tender sore heart . . .
^koo line but again shoulda rhymed^
I watch wishfully as my fear starts to wince.
And your impeccable and imposed eyes say we'll never part.
^dint need and in between..impeccably imposed eyes^
A haughty hymn is heard throughout my soul
and impiety is impassive and yet still impetuous
^haughty..nice vocab..dint like the double II run again^
in your dedicated eyes I feel as a whole
^could've been written better^
and willingly wagered my heart to love
^that vocab is really nice gurl^
but what is meant to be? We may never know...
^i think you forgot a word here,but nice closer^

aight overall this was a really powerfull piece,the reason i say lower some"hence"some of your vocab is cause not erry bodies gonna kno what some of those words mean"there loss"but it also takes away from the overall effectiveness of the piece...if they don't"get"some of it right....
aight if i had ta rate it,i think it would be about...ummm..between..8.5/9.2..
check these out"who kno's ya might wanna start battlin"...
left...2 many herbs
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