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Old 08-14-04, 01:29 PM   #35
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Ill-Grammatix's Avatar
Posts: 1,332
From: Flatbush, Brooklyn
do some research homie...


Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
kanye is underground u bitch........... all his beats got sum underground shit in it.............or its got classic lines speed up or slowed down in the background and shit like through the wire and family bussiness................ and "Last Call" has never been on the radio dumbass.......... i can admit he aint the best rapper, but there isnt on ebad track on that album............. and he went into makin this album as a nobody, and he came out as already bein called one of the greatest by many.......... not many people are asked is there first album the perfect album............ shit even tupac wasnt like that......... he wasnt bein called one of the greats until he died, no one was really buyin that album (i forgot the name, the one right before he died) until he was killed...........

Kanye is NOT underground... he is a commercial success because of Through The Wire and Slow Jams... those are the songs people started noticing him for (and both were played on the radio). You can't say Kanye was a nobody if he was doing joints for Jay-Z before his album came out. He's had a buzz for over a year now... (sorry, no dumb-asses here... I analyzed this hyt thoroughly)... if you really listened to his album he even says what tracks he did for Jay (over a year ago)... all that bullshyt about is his album the perfect album is just hype to keep his shyt selling... shock value makes money... learn the business... his album is selling out here (Iraq) for 3 bucks!!! We listened to it the first 2 weeks and then it went to the bottom of the pile. There's about 400 people in my building alone... maybe 1/3 owns his album, including myself, and none of us listen to it anymore. again, ok beats but his lyrics are trash.
Oh... and ya need to check soundscan on that pac album... that shyt was selling out of stores when it first came out... my brother is die-hard Pac fan and had a hard time getting it for him.
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