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Old 08-16-04, 03:37 PM   #1
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 672
to face the lord


i never really believed
doubting,answer the questions ,all was part of me
til one day when the grim reaper took its toll
and i saw the full force of the lord
i remember dropping to my knees

hands to the sky
like angels standing beside me whispering softly
i held my head low
and i prayed for the lord to come to me

me i've studied the bible
and i've heard the many who rival it
tell me something about this
i need to understand
its my quest for knowledge
its the thirst with in

but the power inside should over ride it
my sick buisness sense told me never to trust
always get paid, do things my way
but something some day turned my opinions
i saw what i saw and was suttley amused

sometimes its lonely i'm gonna admit
cant trust anyone or anything
so at times i walk to church
sit in the front row
right in front of that cross
i lower my head
put my hands together
and pray
for the first time in a while
its a conversation between just 2
me and him or her what ever i know that its a friend
everything was established
and i felt the light upon my soul
brand new day

for this moment i'll face the lord
an eternity , a second chance
respose was holy
til kingdom come ,
my wait will not be in vain
simply face the lord
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