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Old 08-20-04, 05:51 PM   #14
atlas the vagabond
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Posts: 563
From: .:----:.

Voted For: Empire

props to both battlers for this, but here's the verdict.
both were fairly neck and neck but what's with me, is that i don't like corniness. And it seems ghosts was very much rife with corny punch lines

but u like Dexter's parents u aint neva been in da lab

i'm nearly mad i got that punch line. I like battles to be more intense, but everybody spits a whack line or verse here and there, can't be mad at ya.l

empire's was on a more complex level, and left me in the dark a couple times, but the post script was nice though, the explaining things. So his comlexity won this one, against ghost's corny punches, no diss of course.

return the favor.