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Old 07-03-02, 01:39 PM   #1
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"Psychic:Claims rapper to be Alive"


This is Kinda....You believe it or not......

Now i forget this chic's name.....but she is supposedly da BEST psycic in da world....(and no it's not Miss Cleo)
This Psycic was asked about da future of The United States of America.....and she claimed.....that within da Next 5 years...
U.S.A will see it's first BLACK president ( outlined black..cuz there's never been a black president)
she also claimed that....a rapper who is claimed to be dead...will re-appear...and have a black man represent him in da runnin for president...and this person will WIN.......

Now everyone knows there's only one rapper who is claimed to be dead but is questioned about if that man is really dead....That man is Tupac Shakur.........

Now da psychic also says...that this black person...who wins da presidency....will actually make things better for all races involved in da country....but obviously black people will see a bit more better rights....But black folk are deservin of it.....

Now reason i believe this is cuz........
tha last few white presidents have done bad shit for dis country....BUSH has us in fuckin WAR...all becuz of previous beef of his father and Osama Bin Laden.....
Bill Clinton made da country look bad wit his lil fuck up wit Lewinsky.....So when a black person runs wit ideas for a brighter futre..majority of white folk will vote for da black man....and there's no question that almost all black people will vote for da black man...........

Now pac always claimed in indirect lines that he wanted to run for president.....or have someone run for him.......
he'll have da money.....WHY..?? He's da RICHEST rapper to ever live.....He made a killin in doin movies...Book's....Posters and all other merchandisin.....

2pac also has da credentials to do this.........
Who else knows more about politics then Pac..??
And Pac can claim that who better fix problems than someone who's been a victim to these problems america's tryin to fix..........

I witnessed this Psychic on T.V for myself.....they showed a little vignette on C-N-N....i don't know wut channel it would be on if they re-aired it............

but look out for it..........

holla wit ya thoughts and your beliefs
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