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Old 07-03-02, 06:35 PM   #13
F-Money Bags
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Originally posted by Koz
It's kind of weird tho..... how would she know shit about Pac..... like.....firstly saying that a dead rapper would reappear..... secondly... that some black person would run for president (pac always was talkin about how he wanted someone to do it, but he can't cuz he's a felon and isn't 35)

plus I recently just thought up that MAYBE pac is alive once more after believing he is dead.... what made me believe this?......

In a book called "A Statue of Limitations," by law, if a man faked his death for 7 years, he CANNOT be convicted by the law. (faking your death is illegal). The book also says that by right, if there were 2 or more attempts on your life (actual physical ones), then you can change your identity or fake your death to sway your attackers.

I didn't know about the fakin' dead shit...but only time will tell, and US do need a black president man and change the name of the "White House", what does White house tell the citizens of US, that no black man shall be the president...LOL...but we'll see what really will happen..1
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