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Old 09-30-04, 05:43 PM   #5
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

if there is a easy soulution you can garentee the leader's of the nation will turn a blind eye to it. Somthing does need to be done about the murder rate of youth's. But it isnt just in america. All over the world people are being murdered 75% more than 50 year's ago. New zealand for instance has the highest rate of under 10yr old children murdered.Obviously somthing need's to be done. But it is a matter of what.Most who are killing are doing it because it is them or the next person. So as soon as there is a threat they get rid of it(murder them). So I have no clue on what the solution is. But nothing's gonna change for a while because the goverment are so hooked up on the election. Then whoever get's elected has the middle east on there hand's. So this issue is most proberly not at the top of any1's list . Even if it should be............pz
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