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Old 10-07-04, 12:43 AM   #15
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

Vote: Empire

haahhahaha decent battle........... i thought that mimesis had sum good lines but sum were stupid as hell..... like the one about about fallin out his locker was aight for wat u were meanin but with the pic u made it seem like empire been punkin u and throwin u into lockers........ and the dicks out line was aight but sounded almost gay and shit....... i unno, those two lines were juss weird......... i was feelin the emp line on he "entered and u leavin the buildin"......... if its played i didnt realize it...... either way it was a decent battle but i think it couilda gone either way and i mighta given it to emp for the elvis line.......... shit juss sounded good......... and it was worded better then sum of his opther lines

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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