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Old 11-15-04, 07:18 PM   #12
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

Voted For: e-dubz

i like the wordplay in the first line........ althought the second line sounded more like filler...... coulda switched them up, and it woulda been better i think........ second bar was better punchline wise.....although u spelled "lose" wrong, and the finisher was pretty good...... i aint heard it before so it aint played to me..... overall it was better then sabotage

now sabo...... poor poor sabo.... lmao, ur first two lines dont RHYME....... how can u write four lines and not have some of them rhyme..... the line was pretty dope wen u figure out wat it means, but the explanation takes away from the feelin u get..... and "minus problem" was worded pretty bad..... and wat does a vet have to do with checkin pussies????? maybe theres sumthin i dont get, but it really shouldnt have the 's for "vet" to me........ overall u didnt do bad, buit neither of ur lines worked well


...The real Renegade before Hova...