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Old 12-04-04, 01:07 PM   #1
I. Mind
Posts: 46
From: 6-5-0
The World We Live In


The World We Live In

We've engaged a generation, full of bad temptation's...
Forgeting there's no replacement for the lives bein taken...
I'm tired of being patient, I'm too tired of wait'n
Wait'n for this nation to become more amazin....
But what suck's is there will be no amazin transformation...
And that's all becuase we had to do a Middle East Envasion...
Why is this world full of lie's, full of too little information...
We really don't live in any kind of great civilized nation...
We live where there will alway's be criminal face's...
& even more ppl with un-usual cruel imagination's...
It's like we live life to cold, in need of incilation...
& i know a cold life isn't a life i'd like to stay in...
As you know, before, this wolrd was full of discrimination...
From enslavin to putting Native's in reserved location's..
These race's, get hated due to the color of wut their face is..
& the only explanation, is that their heart's full of hated...
Wy discrimination???We all the same homosapiens...
Maybe we hate all cuz we differ in opinion's and statements...
But we don't only suffer of hatred, wut about low pay wages...
There, familes for month's only crums from garbage have been tasted..
There's more that got it worst, so you don't even know wut pain is...
You try sleepin outside wit no blanket on the cold pavement...
People in all ages, live life all in different pace's...
But only a few ever get a chance to taste the life of greatness...

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