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Old 12-06-04, 04:32 PM   #6
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

go to i know that sounds bootleg but its a good place to search for free programs and trials..... there sometimes cheaper too... also, i unno if its just free or wat, but i heard that everyone has been "cool edit" for free... ask enygma about that.... my suggestion would be to use cool edit because most people on this site use that so wenever u need help usin it theres gonna be alot more people who can do it...

i suggest buying a mic between 10-20 dollars cuz u can fix ur quality alot by looking in the tutorials section of audio (which is where i really think u should post this) without buyin an expensive ass mic..... ohh yea, and soundclick is an aight place to get beats if u find the like "lost treasure" soundclicks with catz who make tight ass beats but sell em for free or for 10 bucks or less, but there are so many assholes on the site who dont even make that good of beats but are chargin like 75 dollars ATLEASt for every beat they have.....

theres also a good site, that is easier to use and i think better than soundclick... almost all of it is free.... and if it isnt totally free, its free for non-commercial use (aka it cannto be on ur album..... so demos are fine, or juss postin somethin on this site is fine) unless u talk to the producer and work out a price for the license

w/e i hoped this helped u out, and u should view the tutorial section..... its near the bottom of the rv community page if ya didnt know

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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