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Old 12-30-04, 12:51 AM   #1
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007
life of a lost soul(keystyle)


life of a lost soul

*continuise single beeping noise*

birth certificate

through the warm walls of all he stall's stop ,cause he's entered
sitting patientley imbilical cord wraped between placenta
kicking let him out and he's diving head first
write his name on a peice of paper and he's branded from birth
his first breaths violently pacin' blurred visoin he's facin'
heart on a crooked line through body incubation
wrapped in blankets too tight, too cold, too light
closed eyes first glimps, see his precense rise tonite

child hood.

Wake up in the morning, remember his habit
my mother always tellin' him he has 2 take all his tablets
strap protection to his head and everythings perfect
pedals moving 360 degre's chain friction makes it all worth it
$5 lasts a lifetime,times of satisfaction come cheap
he want to run forever and never be going to sleep
he's only aloud in the yard not aloud out the gate
not knowing beyond, the whole wide world must be great
he trust's his fate allway's wiping off the dust of hate
life's lust is great, he want's to be older,but for now he must wait.


As he walk's through the gate every morning start's his journey
main focus at this point in time, parents state is learning
first times for everything, like THC thats burning
he can go in any direction because nothing will stop
left is tech, right is metal and straight ahead is hip hop
may as well do what he can now because future might not be possible
every friday at 2 oclock on the dot he's at the hospistal
as he sit's mellow as the melody of a laughter tune
when he's chillin' he sleep's until the early afternoon
waking up cold and shaking from the drug's he consume's
open his eye's,feeling doomed,he think's "what outcome is mine?"
he's drinking allday, alcohol's tasting good,yet he doubt's rum is fine
living life non-stop allway's testing life's capatabilty
learning street rule's, growing a heart and having a mic ability
growing of age,Now stowing his rage away because it's classed as extreme
running the street's,wild child,bearly touching 18

young adult

crime's are an everyday presence
being told to get a job,but he dont wanna loose his esence
he has lost all blessing's thru crime's and sin
he has no recolection's of past time he win
strange feeling's of defeat everyday,except the odd bag sold
steady drinking alcoholic beverage's with a savage
cant vision feeling's of upperclass, just feel average
brain damage is nearly adamant but he cant admit
a visit to a docter isnt an option, afraid of a test result
goverment responsible for a few reason's he crazy,the rest his fault
life is no longer looked apon as a privalidge


no kid's to call him dad,no wife to call him honey
no food,no life all thru a lack of money
he's thinking he's living right,yet he's anaware
of the adventure's and lesson's he has missed out on
growing up god must of put miss doubt on him
he's lonley,lovless and allround lifeless
on his way home,he think's were a sharp knife is
he doesnt want to stay living a worthless life
cant understand why he never had kid's and a perfect wife
he deserve's this right to a house food and clean clothes
but with him as quick as it come's,its as soon as the green goes.
he wish's he had of made use of his mean flow's
but now he's old and out of date a the youth
so he lie's to himself just to fade out the truth.

his final day's

laying there on his death bed,breathing in tune with the beep
feeling so empty, he's the only one in the room asleep
no visitor's,no gift's or card
everyone he knew,has just disregard
no strive to stay breathing,want's his heart to just stop
feeling's of anxiety fill his mind then thing's just pop
with one long gasp for air he reache's toward's the sky
damn, he allway's wished some one would be there when he died,.

*long continuise beep*

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