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Old 01-03-05, 05:50 AM   #3
Whys That?
Banned: Biting
Posts: 513

damn, you a real muther fucker.

Trying to be the best on "rv" is some people's dream, not mine. Im learning of this site to help me break into the industry. But a few kid's dont actually care about making it into the industry, so they are just here for fun. The fun should be allowed. Because if rv was so serious all the time, this place would be as dull as rb.

But,there is a diffrence between fun and imaturity. people doing thing's such as creating an alias then battling strobe for "ownership of rv is sorta pointless.

This site is turning into one big compition.All though compition help's you elevate, bragging and claiming you "own" whoever you beat is pointless.blah.

just my thought's.
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