Thread: thought's
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Old 01-16-05, 12:13 AM   #1
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007




left or right? im loosing track of time
walk blind into trouble,only see a blackened mind
im lacking fine outcome's allway's negative result's
like Im sick,then get injected with seditives defualt's
He revolt's into the street,to witness yet more instance's
lady's beating her son with his mistaken circumstance's
my sister dance's around young and innocent
yet to relise growing up in this world ,you gota stay vigilant
a heavy stimulant allway's help's get rid of reality
but it allway's prevent's me from getting a higher salery
Im allway's up for a laugh......Death is a good joke
Tighten the noose...pull the chair...hopfully he should choke
Im usually mellow,but shit's pushed me to the edge
hater's time to learn,listen....get there revenge
If I upset or offend,I am no longer bothered..
I launched above the world,chilled and hovered
looking at the pathetic,trivila bullshit most call life
....then they sit back talking about the harsh life
while country's like west africa have endliss strife
I wont defend this life,just take it how it goes
My rhyme's are sweet,while most spit with sour flow's
I stand strong(kia kaha)even with all of our woes

kia kaha="stand strong" in my second language. moari.

Distilled 1,2,3
da vinci/anxiety fuel for freestyle
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