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Old 03-01-05, 12:42 AM   #23
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

god damnit my god damn feed got deleted wen i went to get marvs fuckin verse!!

well i basically sed Soc got it between Headache and him cuz HEadache only wrote four bars, WITH some filler!! no chance of winnin.... Soc had clear ass vocal surprising and a good beat, altho headache had a better one i think.... Soc had some funny ass lines that werent really creative or anythin.. but still funny as hell like how he cant pronounce ur name or the fact that no one knows who marvelis is.......

Well this is kindof a tie between Marvelis and Soc, tho, flow wise and presence and quality... but i gotta give it to Soc for the simple fact of using personals..... everything is pretty much even besides that category, and i cant believe Marv had no real personals wen hes battlin the KORV for text.... w/e, he juss kinda spit out random insults he could use against anybody except for the Ub2ez lines

Order of verses go Soc, than Marv, than Headache......

altho its a real real close choice....... V/Soc for his personals

...The real Renegade before Hova...