Thread: Suspect A D/R?
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Old 03-07-05, 09:16 AM   #276
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728
My battle with Cinncanatus
Mad Dgs Battle with Cinncanatus
Threadin concerning this whole situation

Heres the deal homeboy

Cinncanatus cheats in his battles

Architect an some dude named David vote for him in most battles
Including the 2 links up there^^
an the rest of the votes in each battle were from Members of the crew named the Jury, now if thats now suspicious, i dunno what is

Cinncanatus cheated in our battle anyway, because he used an alias in which he told me WASNT HIM, He claimed he gave that alias away, then used it ta form a crew an ta battle me, knowing he would use personals an i couldnt use personals because i didnt know it was him!!!!

If thats not cheating, could u explain in full detail what is including as cheating/dick riding, or whatever, Cinncanatus cheats ta get votes an sways things in his favor in every battle he has, do somthin about it

Edit:- Cinncanatus an Architect are both modding the Tag tourney, so thats another reazon they could be dr'in, and....i got many battles open, an usually they slept on, besides the battle with Cinncanatus in which he k.od me in the space of 2 days

Architect's vote has been removed

People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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