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Old 03-16-05, 10:55 PM   #15
BiZzO's Avatar
Posts: 84
From: .::Aus::.

Voted For: Khaos_daRenegade

yo this was a good battle.. some nice ideas.. heres how i saw it...
Khaos - you had a good opener, and a good closer.. you had a good flow, that was easy to go along with, your vocab was good and ur structure was on point... your punches hit on target and u had a bit of humor in your verse i enjoyed it...
fav line - "i cant believe im battlin u, dis niggas a joke...
say u got a lisence to kill but yo shit is revoked..."

Black - your verse was alite more simple, you didnt try and come hard, you didnt give it ur all, i didnt like your opener and ur closer was pretty soft... you had an O.k flow but i didnt enjoy ur verse as much, plus u need to expand on ur vocabulary and punches...
fav line - didnt realli have one...

opener - Khaos
closer - Khaos
flow - Khaos
punches - Khaos
vocabulary - Khaos
structure - Khaos
enjoyment - Khaos
vote - Khaos
no hate its just how i saw the battle...