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Old 03-29-05, 02:18 PM   #12
King Solo
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Posts: 17,012

Voted For: Adrenaline

Adrenaline...nice drop yo...flow was on point as was ure structure...few lines cud be shortened to make ure structure top...wordplay was nice...gud vocabs not just rhymin wit simple words...punches were hittin hard...not all but most were and u stayed mostly consistent...not much for creativity...couple of hot personals that i enjoyed...gud drop overall...just work on beefin up ure punches and get a bit more creative yo...7/10

bradley...this shit was hate or anything but the structure was fucked...u got it all squashed together and it makes it near on impossible to read and see the rhymes...obviously ure flow was fucked to...ure rhymin was pretty basic, nuthin overly complex...personals and punches were weak, prolly one in there i thought was gud...creativity was low, nuthin in there that i aint seen before...u need to elevate in all areas yo, but most importantly work on that structure cuz it is hate just criticism...4/10

return the fave links are in my siggy!!!
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