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Old 04-02-05, 12:46 PM   #27
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

some kid at my school pretended to beat the shit outa this one kid in the front of the school (fights break out like 10 times a day atleast there)....... they were usin ketchup packets and shit, and there was blood all on the pavement...... like usual the security guards take the kids, and a paddy wagon (sp?) and an ambulance pull up to take him...... i can remember the kid who did it gettin pushed in the wagon sayin "BUt it was an April Fools Joke, tell em David"
David: "I have no clue wat ur talkin about man"

they admitted it bein fake later, but that was APril Fools gone too far.... they both got in mad deep trouble cuz of all the police and ambulances, even tho they seem to come to my school everyday, lol.....

.... one other kid also ordered like 20 pizzas for the school, actin like it was a pizza party...... didnt work out good tho, the school payed for the pizzas and the teachers had a pizza party after school for any staff that wanted some.... sucks for the kid that thought it would be funny....... lmao

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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