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Old 04-04-05, 11:47 PM   #11
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

......anyways, gangstas today are trin to hard to be gangstas....... like just to be one..... and dont say its not true, because most thugs and gangstas who HAVE to do that to survive dont like to admit or talk about it.. they dont hype them selves up like most of u on here do.... sayin "im a gangsta this" and that... its not somethin to be that proud of wen u HAVE to do it...

so tell me Kordozar..... y are u in a gang?? wat are u fightin for..... really think about it... and dont say its so a bunch of dudes will have ur back if shit breaks out.... cuz if there were no gangs, no shit would ever break out to an extent that u need a whole group of dudes to help u out.... if u werent in a gang alotta dudes wouldnt even bother messin with u since u pose no threat, u arent wit some rival crew, theres no hate involved between u...

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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