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Old 04-20-05, 04:06 PM   #102
atlas the vagabond
KISI's Avatar
Posts: 563
From: .:----:.

The phenomena called 'white struggle' is nonexistent. You only have yourselves to blame for any pain caused by black people. yes it is wrong, but so was the deception, murder and rape that got us here. So now we're stuck in this country and it's your fault.

You didn't like being called a cracker, so how did calling someone a nigger solve that. Paying ignorance with ignorance is only (guess what) ignorant.

White people control the money, and they control the media which controls us all. You know how many times i've been called a 'nigger' to my face, not some faceless text, nigger to my face. And i don't go around sayin, 'cracker' this and 'cracker' that in response. Because i'm not ignorant.

you are ignorant.

As much as i've been through with white people, i really should be racist, if i were a weaker minded person. Groups of drunken rednecks have told me they'd follow me home and lynch me, i get discriminated against at my job everyday. Only to read the text of some simple minded, nonstruggling idiot, complaining.

These people are miles away from you, fuck em. Let me follow you around a store for the entire time your thier, asking you, "Well are you gonna buy something?" from the moment you step in till you leave.

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