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Old 04-24-05, 11:12 AM   #1
Peace, Love, Unity
Posts: 5,455
"Just A Moment" (Remix) Feat. Kesse


Written to the "Just a Moment" beat..
So I figured i'd throw the chorus in..

As day comes and night falls
For the rest of our life we'll miss y'all
And even though life must go on, we'll still mourn
While wishin' y'all were home


Through life its struggle, seems difficult to survive,
Result from the lies, and many had to fought for your life,
thought was disguised, the truth, for you to soften the vibe,
Then the truths revealed, which many times was often deprived,
Some sought for a try, because first chance was taken and lost,
maybe its the cost you pay, for takin and breakin ya cross,
Shakin the boss for drugs, guns, sex, and alcohol and killin,
i'd rather you keep it to yourself than involve the children,
now they're all a victim, the future is being destroyed and,
cause father, that house with his wife and kid is being avoided,
And drugs and alcohol are being used just because of enjoyment,
Speakin the truth, i'm speakin to you, don't try and ignore it,
and for those who have been convincted, because they take dope,
Or had it planted on them, being used by the media as a scapegoat,
stay strong, you'll be comin home soon, and that will hit you,
And for anybody whos had my back ands gone... We miss you...

As day comes and night falls
For the rest of our life we'll miss y'all
And even though life must go on, we'll still mourn
While wishin' y'all were home


may we have a moment to pray, for souljahs whos slayed,
some joke and they play, but may we just hope for the day,
for poachers who spray to go and put those toasters away,
i ain't soft, i'm jusy sayin what ya'll to bogus to say,
discrimination... come on everybody knows that its gay,
So i'm hopin today that my dreams won't go floatin away,
i've chosen this way to live, and so i hope and i pray,
that noone will say "his ways a little low don't ya say?"


life is a constant storm, all things happenening in flashes
too quickly it passes, tomorrow someone could be spreadin your ashes
you wanna flock with the masses, just dont clip your wings
so snip the strings, maybe one day we all can sip like kings
cause its all in your choices, time doesnt wait patient
its not the other voices that should be decidin your placement
so dont stand in amazement, dont sit with your mind wondering how
cause life is a constant storm...and your moment is thundering now

As day comes and night falls
For the rest of our life we'll miss y'all
And even though life must go on, we'll still mourn
While wishin' y'all were home


these are the thoughts of my life, things could change in an instant
still yet to mold fully, everything leaves its own imprint
a soft glint in the horizon, leaving suttle hints of change
everything is colors all around you, but this tint is strange
it takes just a moment, and the whole world is clashing
life the ride you're on is suddenly crashing
but you cant keep scratching, cause this can work two ways
you can harness life's fire, or let it go up in a blaze
no light shining through? gotta fight through and beat the craze
you can sit back and watch or be the one the people praise
its degrading, all the people content being blind than stronger
thought is the greatest tool, its amazing what the mind can conquer
dont hold back any longer, its all up to you if you wanna succeed
their your decisions.. dont get caught up on what others believe
so rise from the debris, set your mind free, and appreciate your own scent
so dont tarnish what you got...cause in life, it only takes a moment....

As day comes and night falls
For the rest of our life we'll miss y'all
And even though life must go on, we'll still mourn
While wishin' y'all were home

My Feedback

88 miles per hour should do it.
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