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Old 05-15-05, 03:20 AM   #5
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

holy shit....... lol, this is lloyd banks shit for real man.... it was decent, kinda random punches and shit for the most part, which is aight, but i like more personals and shit..... but damn u even got the same rhyme scheme as banks like:


ohh man, this shit is too funny right now

..... but yea that diss was pretty decent, just come wit more personals next time... and it sounds like u mumble alil bit.... just alil bit... lmao, like banks sounds

sorry if this Banks comparison shit is pissin u off but for real, either ur tryin too hard to be like him, or its just one big ass coincidence

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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