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Old 05-21-05, 05:01 PM   #1
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007
Diary of a deathrow inmate


Diary of a deathrow inmate

The first sign of gloom

Dear diary...

Walls of white surround my exsitence,echos of hate fill my new life
while many seem resentfull I notice some enjoy this with spite
everyone looks grim like they all caught a contagious flue of death
lungs feel collapsed, afraid to take the devils breath
visual's seem bleak,alot of manufactured feelings are felt
I feel like a 45 year old man but abortion's been delt
tormenting chants fill the air while an ery silence fills my mind
tryna visualize my future yet regret whats been left behind
a small glimps thru a window allows the sight of smoldering rain
I strongly carry myself on my back to shoulder the pain
with the shakiest steps I move thru the halls arradiatted voice
Malfunctioning words,separating thoughts,my mind has eliminated choice

4 by 4
Dear diary
I've Slowly energised hate for solitary confinement
I wanted to learn alot before I die,Im excepting deaths my only assignment
expeditions are mearly lethargic walks in a square circle
Accurant accounts of the terror screams can be heard virtual
re-cooperating isnt possible,with bible strong in hand I wait for my escape
It will soon be time to strip my body of sin like death is my rape
the light is dull I try create some brightness with excessive alliteration
echos of silence are amplified by agressive reverberation

Deaths walk
Dear Diary

Exuasting thoughts race faster than exstatic lightning
Im some what calm,I predicted it to be more frightning
with hands cuffed behind my back I walk my final emotion
split mind,shit reminds me like de-ja-vu devosion
My throat feels harsh like my osophegus is locust infested
Mind astray,I cant find the day that I originally got arrested
Passing other cells,smiles start to dwell,everyone thinks im going to hell
face pale like the thraox has summond me to eternal damnation
Unsure if this is a positive day,filth gone?, like reversed contamination
I observe a man is placing my destiny in the middle of deaths circumference

Dear Diary

Deaths is certain,my breath is hurtin the second they raise murders curtain
As they start reading my biblical scripture, I take a quick glance around
If this was a ball room I guess the next dance is hell
Contemplating why have I seen this before,maybe in my dreams?
Im not saying a word,yet the noise I hear are my screams
Un-doublty I have served this punishment in previous time
A hear a gaurd say "it wont be painfull" , Im not beliving his lie
laying back,im praying that power surges strengthen me to break these chains
"Is it possible to pretend to die? I doubt I can fake these pains
The lever is like an evil snake it raps electricity round a remorsefull soul
The conducter is heartless,he doesnt mind that murder's his goal
with one last body shake,a ghostly break isnt mostly fake
Deaths number has struck seven time more than the wattage of electricity
As I sit back and relise what ive just written and witnessed explicitly
Im in shock not only from the 100watts of power but from my personnal conclusion
Im mearly a ghost writting a diary about my own deathrow excacution

@ aka Ysdat.........
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