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Old 05-29-05, 02:11 PM   #28
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

Voted For: L.I.

uuuutttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrr weakness in this battle.....

He has no chance at winning it, so give it all your worth b
L.I. dropped dead gorgeous in this battle, Wick stopped after the 4th D

^^^^^ that was the only decent line from either of u...... and it was complete ownage

that bar won the batle hands down..... both had the weakest shit...... Wicked, all u do is make statements, u dont really throw punches or anythin..... and that makes ur whole verse real weak.... u didnt have any strong metas or wordplay or anythin in there...... first bar, meh, and the rest was ugly..... and with LI, it was last line "DAMN THAT WAS DOPE AS FUCK" and the rest was playedness or easy to think up concepts..... that separated u two..... that one bar, and the fact that LI had concepts lol....

for that, LI gets my vote but this was an extremely weak battle in my eyes

...The real Renegade before Hova...