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Old 06-11-05, 08:00 PM   #16
Posts: 2,653

Voted For: FreeZe_In_HeLL

Freeze in hell - very good verse..ur opener was creative..good personal..i liked ur 2nd bar..both lines were good..ur whole verse was a complete lyrical attack on his name and where hes from..good use of personals..u had some cool punches..ur closer was alright but coulda been better..but other than that very good verse.....8/10

Stanza - i read one of ur other battles and it looked like in this one u might have underestimated him or ur skill is slowly decreasing..ur opener was very weak..2nd bar was a horrible diss..3rd bar was kinda good kinda creative..from then on was horrible..not very good verse..not really any personals..ur punches were really weak.....3/10

Freeze In Hell wins!!!!!