Thread: Floating Souls
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Old 06-13-05, 07:33 AM   #1
Odi et Amo
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Posts: 3,675
From: Alosta City
Floating Souls


Locked up inside this infernal region,fading memories of past
Sufficating due to claustrophobic contrast,lost souls amassed
Strived all my life for acceptance into the world of deceased
Mind was twirled by the fables about Hades,as if it's a feast
Eternal rest found at Elysian Field,my fate irrevocably sealed
Remember my traverse of the River Styx,eyes continously peeled

Terrifying Traverse

Led by Charon through water as black as oil and silent as death
Awaited confrontation with horrifying Cerberus similar to Seth
Distant wailing sent shiver down my spine,confidence undermined
Wise words of my father in mind but envied entire living mankind
For not having to undergo this struggle or to bid a last farewell
Many tried but only a pure soul could combat acid agonies of Hell
Safely reached the shore where I stood eye in eye with the creature
Had a dragon as a tail but viciousness was most remarkable feature
Another obstacle I overcame,fearless strength donated by the gods
So I finally arrived at point of no return,difficult by all odds
Heart filled with proud and relief as I gazed upon the bumpy road
I travelled,endless peace for this fighter's soul at last bestowed

Elysian Eternity

Attempt to escape this dull existence through the old heroic tales
But the evanescence can't be stopped,slowly washing away all details
Many have a foolish yen for eternity,always dreaming of immortality
Wish I had ignored that yearning for now I've lost my personality
I'm nothing more than another lost soul in this realm of the dark
Entered the temple of the departed forever,no possibility to embark
So I sit here,reminiscing of the adventerous times,the battles I've won
Remained invincible until my confrontation with Hades left me outdone

Links: Overdose - In-Vision
The Tables Turned - Pen'N'Paper

Authentik Intelligence

...The future is mine...

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