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Old 06-15-05, 03:36 AM   #1
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.
lmfao... what a dope kid


I was markin english essays today.. The topic they had been studying was authority and rebellion.. and the question was something like "Using examples from 1 core text and 2 texts of your own choice, explain how the forms and features of language convey a sense of authority and rebellion."

They were all pretty boring then I read this one by some kid who dissed the core text. He was like "It was a badly written book and not worth my analyzation. The only thing this book conveys is how much the writer wants to try to look smart when he actually isnt." and that kind of shit. And he wrote a page on why he thought the book was bad... I was like... haha. word.

And then it got better. The other texts he used were Talib Kweli songs, and he tried to pass him off as a poet because the other markers wouldn't know of him. He analyzed some dope lyrics from get by and the manifesto and a whole lot of Talib's other shit.

I was like word... What a cool kid. And I gave him high marks even though it was obvious he didn't study...

He'll probably get scaled down when they screen the marks, but shit. He was a dope kid...
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