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Old 06-21-05, 06:58 AM   #6
E.C's Avatar
Posts: 5,168
From: u.k

i will have sign up's and any one can sign, as long as they aint that good at text, i want people like, khaoz theory and people around that skill and less people who have potential ad arn't breaking the barrier,

the rules will be decided if or when i get the league up, so that is yet to be decided,

audio would'nt work, there will be too many no shows and there isn't alot of people who do it, anyone can do text thats why i'm doing it..

the feedback will be given as follows:

^^ broken down, what was good, what was bad and what can be improved
^^ broken down, what was good, what was bad and what can be improved
^^ broken down, what was good, what was bad and what can be improved

the verses will be broken down like that, i will also set tasks for them in the battle, for example nameplay, wordplay certain concepts i want them to go off...

you don't need proffesional people to teach them, just skilled people who know what they are talking about and know hoe it works...

hope that answers all of your questions

..Open Mics..
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