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Old 06-25-05, 01:09 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by hotshh!
You an Entry Level Textcee.......get $ 5. 15 to Start, Hoe
RV dont see that you exist, like the blind at Art Shows
this was weak... kinda played concept
KLL Champ? Rv will start to take u serious........ After Laughs
Da only time u get 'Credit' for ya work, is when u Pass Ya Class
decent wordplay, not really that hard hittin tho
And personally, i really dont need personals to Clown dis Dude
Cause this merking will even make "T.C. Look Down On You"
good personal. probably your best line
Ill bend ya hands back, and rip off the thumbs they Attached Wit
And make u see the light faster than smokers bumming for Matches
this was alright... it coulda been worded better to have a better effect.
I'll end your fame... And Fux get put in a box like Nintendo Games
And leave your wins streakless like glass cleaner on Window Panes
on second thought, THIS was your best line... nice wordplay wit tha streakless part. it could have been worded better also but it was still good
I Slice thru pussy to make the Best Meat....... U? I dont Stress Geek
And leave your face with more "checks" than a 'Grade A' Test Sheet
this was barely decent because leaving checks on someones face really has no meaning but the wordplay was nice

Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
Must Prescribe Nyquil, ur verses get slept on like cows in the hay
Da Medicine Man? Yup............cuz Hot keeps the illness away
wow.. pretty dope intro... i like the play on his memeber title
So Watsup Doc? It Bugs me how ur nuts are Bunny hopper wins
And with 6 TE's in the league, i guess its true that the DR is in
hahaha... whats up doc? decent line... i like the DR wordplay at the end... *just so yall know, i changed the Dr. to DR in this bc he said dr=DR
Just a quick key, its too easy, cuz i saw ur verse man, believe me
And I still bet we'll see Hot Sizzle, like I'm rhymin off the heazy
This wasnt really a diss but it was pretty funny!! hahah
Didnt need me to keep u quiet(shh) so for this battle, keep it the same
Cuz How can he diss me???? He's prolly too scared to say my name
this concept was played but u made it decent, i've never seen that spin on his name before
No it aint Destiny, but I'll survive this battle and keep on defendin
Cuz if my verse is beneath yours, Id just be admittin i posted second
nothin special here
Ur flunkin this course, after this battle i bet you'll start to Hate F
So its time to teach you a lesson, but i'll stick with droppin H.S.
this was the dopest play on HotShhh! i have ever seen. definately your best line and the best line in the battle.
this line could have won the battle alone!!!!!

this vote easily goes to fux. he definately came harder. hot had some played concepts, along wit some good ones
but the played outweighed the good making his verse kinda weak. hots punches were alright but it was nothin i havent
seen before. his best line was the streakless wins line because it was really original and funny. no real personals
he had some straight multies at the end but other than that this verse was definately not his best...

fux had a really hard hittin verse. almost every line was dope. most of the punches were hard hittin and
his personals were great. his opener and closer were illy. GL both of you...
no hate hot... i've seen u come much better tho
V/ Fux