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Old 07-13-05, 07:03 AM   #4
Middle Weight
Posts: 364

Walking To Destiny

Desending the stairs of hell, my heart beats Rapidly
Thinking of my sins of voilence and Blasphemy
Demons Trapped In Me, and I feel them Scratch At Me
Claws tear through my internal emotions, sharp like Hatchets See
The heat touches my face and I can Feel The Burning
I walk down the final few steps and think of my wasted life of Killed Off Earnings
Walking down a pathway in the Heated Depths
Souls start to fade from earth and end up Deleted Deaths
Blood drips from my Bleeding Chest, and as I walk closer to the Advocate
My soul begins to rott with scrotching fire Attacking It
As I stand behind the distorted vision of heat all I can see is a Blurred Figure
And the red glow of its shadow is to show pain for Sure Deliver
I Feel the Burns Bigger, and sounds of screaming agony Surrounded Me
As I look off into the flames the amount of screaming corpses Astounded Me
After all I had done in life nothign ever Amounted See
Moving slowly, the hot force seemed to be Grounding Me
Making my way to the Devils Helper, I Crawled In Pain
Memories eaten and my body slowly Nawed Away
Seeing the advocate in full form, finally I Arrived
Life had finished long ago and all hope Had Died
Without a word and with red glowing eyes and darks lips he Seemed To Say
Let your vengence burn in the heat and your soul Redeem This Day

Snow, Prezidict, Dizzee Rascal
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