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Old 07-21-05, 11:13 AM   #3
Vick Slate
everytime i rhyme...
Vick Slate's Avatar
Posts: 113
From: West Va.

ouch...on some personal shit

and bitch..i went to look for s.s. and u done started up a new crew lol

I don't need pen n paper when i got a mic n a keyboard heehee

but yo hit me up if u still want me in ya crew

Leady is claimin to be hard and lived a struggle life but wurrs ur mack son
Wack kid thinkin u tougher then me but he is just another Curtis Jackson

He was unwanted by his parents so he dreams of some day he’ll get paid
He raps worst then the blizzard but it aint comin so u never getting made
....ur mean hahaha....

bars are mad long.....but flows ok
lyrics good....some punches weren't hittin hard but some were pretty dope

stay real
I had to get off the boat so i could walk on water


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