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Old 07-22-05, 10:34 PM   #1
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown
The Island was....


ok....... Ill break it down like this...

The Beginning/first half: Fuckin Awesome as hell (it was the best part of the movie in every way)

The Middle: Fuckin horrible, all it was was shit explodin and people fallin off buildings and bein able to do shit theyve never been able to do..... and all that stupid Michael Bay shit to an excessive degree

The End: Was decent...... ok..... but the ending wasnt needed, or it coulda been done alot better.... u dont actually understand wat he's doin really (like u know wat hes doin... but i was sittin there like "how the fuck does he know how to do that and thats where he needs to go???? and wat is pullin that and hittin that actually doin??") But ending was alot better than the middle

My suggestion.... watch the movie just so u can see the first hour or so.... it is really a great movie up until things start explodin (which some people like... but it seemed to be put in this movie carelessly, recklessly and to great excess...) Not every action scene needs to have things blow up to be entertainin and thrillin.... i thought the best action shit was wen Ewan Mcgreggor and Scarlett Johanson were runnin.....

Damn that wasnt suppose to be this long.... but w/e.... and im not gonna explain wat the movie is about if u dont already know... so fuck you

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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