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Old 08-13-05, 02:08 PM   #4
The Truest TRUTH
Posts: 8,233
From: Miami

This kid actin like he hard man u kno u wack alone
Wonderin y this bitch is scared he hides behind tha phone
Daubs? U painted ur picture wrong u mustve not had a lamp
Cuz ur like Jews ill leave u in the fuckin “Concentration” camp
And u kno u aint neva hot cuz u allergic of the sun witout a tan
Cuz u playing soccer when u bring special deliveries like a pizzaman


1st bar- he thinks he good but he took a picture wit his phone in the way click the an idiot
2nd bar- Daubs if u look up in a dictionary for what a daubs is this is what it is......

Originally Posted by Dictionary
daub [dawb]
v (past daubed, past participle daubed, present participle daub·ing, 3rd person present singular daubs)
1. vt put something on blotchily: to put or spread a semiliquid substance, for example, mud, paint, or cream, on a surface in a crude, hurried, or irregular way
They had daubed slogans all over the walls.
2. vti painting paint crudely: to paint or apply paint crudely and inexpertly
n (plural daubs)
1. blotch: a crude patch, splash, or smear of a semiliquid substance on something
2. bad painting: a painting that is considered to be badly or inexpertly done “When he first came to Rome he painted worthless daubs and gave no promise of talent.”Henry JamesRoderick Hudson1876
3. construction substance for daubing: a mixture of clay, lime, and chopped straw plastered onto interwoven rods or twigs to make a wall.
-daub·y, adj
Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

and if u see that he didnt paint it right he needed concentration and the rest is simple.....

3rd bar- He say that he white so he allergic of being hot so no tan and he plays soccer if u click the link again u see that he gots a jersey....and also the special delivery is like a pizzaman who is

ok if u dont undastand them then plz dont vote.....

and all honest votes will be returned if wanted......


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