Thread: no name (TEXT)
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Old 09-15-05, 02:18 AM   #1
The Topical Juggernaut
Mentalz's Avatar
Posts: 885
From: The Write Side of The Brain
no name (TEXT)



I hold my Pen High, next to my Heart without Cause
cos' I'm just tryin ta' express my mind without the presence of laws
You ever noticed you get criticized for your mental collages
got people tellin you they're little more then mirages
and when you read they shit it looks like dust in garages
somethin' you'd either pass on by or just toss in the garbage
It's gettin' old, makes ya' wonder if it's there heart that they sold
Speakin' with confidence, you'd think they were born from pure gold
In time things will change and they're minds wont be the same
they'll be switched and arranged till they cant even maintain
soon the beams will collapse, all the false walls that stood tall?
will crumble and fall! splinter and crack by the axe of Bunyan, Paul
enraged they neva' took the time to just pause...
instead they pointed fingers and just ignored their own flaw's
their own mistakes, how many fabrications are you willin ta' make
like you didn’t have the time of day that you could never manage ta' take

Rethink your opinions, stop favorin' friends
stop skimmin' one sentence, neva' readin' the end
Aged like the Wind it's gettin' old
Sometimes I think "Has he ever been told?"
"Has he ever even thought it was someone else in the Bold(text)?
"He can't understand, I refuse to believe that chosen hand(cards)"
"Have you noticed(with your mind) im now explain' my Bars(lines)?"
"I'm breakin' down the simple things so that you can’t even bitch"
Now understand the above might just as well have been a glitch
I’d neva' call you out, never express what im about
But it's insane we got people that delivah' without a doubt-
that they're supreme, only been spittin', that it's "clean"
Well let me tell you what, it sucks, it's just a dream
let me educate you on a fact, I've been spittin' sense dawn was black
inclined ta' act? you couldn’t find a black box if it was strapped ta' ya back
This goes out to all the ignorant people as plans of attack
Explode ya train of thought till ya’ mind's swiftly blown-off-track
Blow It - Topical

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Crhyme Sindicate

The unexamined life is not worth living.
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