Thread: Laffy Taffy
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Old 10-21-05, 10:17 PM   #9
M Eazy
Put Yo Money On Me
Posts: 1,653
From: Sacramento, CA

People think Hip Hop is all fun and games now a days. This song is fuckin stupid, and I hate people who like it, because most of them don't know what true hip hop is. The biggest thing about rap I can't stand is when people like this make wack ass songs and stupid ass wanna be fans listen to the song and not the lyrics. Back then Hip Hop was about lyrics, story telling music. Now its just bullshit. It makes me frown too, because people like this get they shine, and one day Rock n Roll going to be number 1. Giving me another good reason to hate 95% of Atlanta and Atlanta music. D4L is tha fuckin name of the bastards who sing this crap homie!
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