Thread: Laffy Taffy
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Old 10-21-05, 11:23 PM   #12
Chris Stylez
Semper Fi
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Posts: 2,269
From: Uptown Maryland

Im siding with NK on this one. Hip-hop wasnt always about lyrics. It was about moving the crawd having fun and a good time. Just because nigga is saying lyrics that wont get him shot dosent mean its bad hip-hop. Yes D4L isnt the best group and Laffy Taffy aint the best song. But hey if people dance to it and seem to have fun to music what the hell is wrong with that. Hip-hop is music and music was ment to expressing ones self and emotions but it was also ment for people to have a good time. And what this looks like is a classic example of niggas hatin on other niggas because they got some success. Whats hustling. making money anyways you can not having no body tell you when or where to get ya money or how. Everybody got they own hustle. Yes i dont like the song Laffy Taffy and i think its a funny song and people can have a good time and have fun. If you are not down for having a good life with fun and games and being happy then nigga your straight up stupid. I'd prefere fun and games over hardwork anyday. And if fun and game get me paid as much as hardwork and struggeling i'll take the fun and game anyday. I rather be a rich white preppy ass whiteboy having fun and game then being Black struggeling in the hood evry day of my life taking my chances on being shot. Then going to the studio and rapping about that shit 24/7 not being different and filling youngins heads with gangsta ass non fun and game shit only to have them immitate those gangsta only to run up and try it aginst someone thats real and end up getting killed. So many wanna be kids get killed over that "true Hip-hop" or what you atleast think is true hip-hop everyday. If you think you cant express yourself threw music by being a fun person and having fun and game then nigga you dont know hip-hop,music,living, or how to express yourself showing that your different than everyone else.

Anyways Laffy taffy makes girls having a good time shaking they ass and i have a good time wit girls shakin they ass up on me. And having fun with them songs enjoying myself i love that. So please tell me how can you hate on having fun.

Project List

The Classick Mixtape Vol (8/18)
Age Of Consent Mixtape Vol 1(16/16)
The Classick Album(2/16)
S&S Express E.P.(1/10)

Lot of back to back shit. Stay tuned.
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