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Old 11-12-05, 10:41 PM   #38
BigTony.Self's Avatar
Posts: 2,482

Originally Posted by Apexx
The race that had crack delivered directly to their comminuties by white engineers working for a white president. Whites LOVE coke - you don't think the 80's corproate world would have been the biggest hit by the crack epidemic seeing as it's the lifeblood of the coke industry? It's the rich man's drug, remember? For a generation of baby boomers looking to get as high off coke as possible, crack would have been a god.

But it's okay, you guys are too hopped up on prescription "treatments" for "diseases" that describes nothing more than human nature for you to even REACH for crack. Especially whne you're too busy blowing your selves up from your Meth Lab explosions, and injecting heroine. We're good with weed, lol.

INnERCITY druggs were indeed a plot to eliminate black activist implanted by the government stupidity didn t think to research theissue and see what it would do to america

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