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Old 11-29-05, 01:16 PM   #7
The Topical Juggernaut
Mentalz's Avatar
Posts: 885
From: The Write Side of The Brain

The closest, most feasable thing I can think of happening next would be the key to unlocking Cold Fusion. However, if you look at it from a realist point of view, the amount of sheer research and knowledge is mind boggling concerning physics and the understanding of the such. Human life spawns arnt long enough to fully complete such a large scale endeavor as achieving Cold Fusion.

What im trying to address is this. Take short term memory for example, now shorten your ability to research to one week because you have a disease that wipes it after that. You only get so far before the weeks up and you have to relearn the previous week then take baby steps in terms of progression. No what im gettin' at?
Blow It - Topical

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Crhyme Sindicate

The unexamined life is not worth living.
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