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Old 11-30-05, 01:47 PM   #1
Gangsta Kim
New to RV
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Posts: 90
From: K-town
Have You Ever!!



have you ever fallin in love so deep its hard to tell whats truth and lies?
When you look into there eyes all your worries disapear.......I have!
It feels good untill something you do ends it all
in one minut you can loose everything you have, and all you'll have left is the memories and your broken heart...
You'll find ways to alter the pain like alcohol it makes you forget but it always comes back, drugs well..... that increases your emotional sence.
i'v learned what it feels like to have sompthing so important to you make you feel like shit, the guilty one, and make you feel like you've failed at something you've givin ' so much for.
I gave it my all but sometimes that isnt good enough.
you'll need to think , you'll need to see if you still bleed.
have you ever had somone say I love you and make you fell all worm and at ease?
sometimes people are ment to be and some arnt
one day you'll find somone who is the one
but untill then all steps inbetween are just steps to finding your true love.......
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