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Old 12-05-05, 12:08 AM   #24
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

Originally Posted by BL4Y
because, you just said that all humans were created equal, then that its "survival of the fittest"... well, if we were all created equal (which i believe we were), then we'd all be just as fit... AND, darwinism's theory of the "survival of the fittest" applies to biological evolution, it has nothing to do with people having power over each other

*i didnt see this response at first*
*clears throat* well to start off...... i sed we were all given an equal OPPORTUNITY... thats different from bein equal.... altho most of us were created equal also...... but the "fittest" has to do with adaptation to the rest of the world and advancements being made by those people to put them ahead of everyone else..... which made them more fit..... and Social Darwinism is not just biology, btw (which is wat i was reffering to..... not just the literal meaning)

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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