Thread: C-Rhymes
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Old 12-15-05, 01:06 PM   #2
The Topical Juggernaut
Mentalz's Avatar
Posts: 885
From: The Write Side of The Brain

That is what the above mentioned forums are suposed to be used for man. However most of the crew views them as an over sight, or just doesnt have the time to peep whats inside. I, myself have dropped about 6 pieces in there with only one recieving any feed what so ever, and by someone not in the crew. I'll admit those subforums could be used alot better but it isnt mandatory, ya know?

We also have a suggestion thread in one of the forums, feel free to drop any idea's you may have that you think would improve our activity, or whatever you may feel is lacking in C.S. Appreciate it man.

C.S. has been around for abit now, and only a few of the old school crew is left to see how much has changed over the years. Anyways, thanks for the feedback.

Blow It - Topical

-=Respect List=-
Crhyme Sindicate

The unexamined life is not worth living.
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