Thread: PLL mag-Week 12
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Old 12-21-05, 02:59 PM   #3
Coming to Kill you All
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Finished Recap

17. E.C vs. 18. ~High-Dro~
this is what canada has to offer? hi-dro aint nothing big,
but really this guys a fake... thats why he reps NY in his sig,
this bitch EC aint nice, im bout to call his bluff
cuz the only time he smoked Dro.............................................
........................................he got high after a puff

E.C,who I had predicted to win,came wack.Apparently,because High Dro has a picture in his sig,of Papoose wearing a Yankee fitted..E.C took it as him reppin NY.And it's kinda stupid considering High Dro also has this...
.......^in his sig.So E.C's was dumb/
High Dro came nice in this battle.

Winner: ~High-Dro~

19. John Hensley. vs. 20. Crazy Hades
Heeeeyyy! I like your face.
Anyway, fuck this league. It's got more riders than a matador.

John Hensley wins for checking in..

Winner:John Hensley

21. Drakel vs. 22. The Revelation
gotta bone to pick with you, actually, they're numerous
think ya shit is clever? maybe after i smack you with your humerous
Drakel was on top of his game, then he lost his 'feet',
and dropped faster than deaf kids playin in the streets

For once,Revelation didn't come with a dumb line.But,the problem with him this week,was originalityThere are far too many deaf kid lines being used today,so that's pretty much played out.Drakel came with a humerous line,kinda like Jack the ripper did.Except drakel's was less gay than Jack's..Meh,not much I can really say about this battle...This battle kinda sucked in my opinion.But Drakel still won it for not coming played.

Winner: Drakel

23. Apotropaic vs. 24. ThatNigga
this guy sucks ass, and its no challenge to demolish his writtens
..cause ill destroy young law worse then conservative politicians
Whats wrong, you should be happy santa clause is coming to town
oh he's probably mad cuz he found out he's related to wickedclown

Just like I predicted,Apotropiac won easy.And like always..he came with a nameplay.It's like every battle he comes with a nameplay.LoLWhich is neccesarily a bad thing BTW.ThatNigga came wack.Even after you read his first line,Santa coming to is that.I really don't know where the fuck he was going with that bar.And why'd he change his name is beyond me.That just gave Apotropiac an easy nameplay.I wonder what nameplay he would have made off the name thatnigga .....Apotropiac wins.


25. MaRVOLOUSJay vs. 26. Sobe.
listen..fam u cant hurt jay with disses,u lack worplay & sickness.
u couldn't be "BORN-GiFTED" if ya "BiRTHDay was CHRiSTMaS".
i saw ur punch in the mag, damn u the weakest rapper
u managed to flip a shitty punch.. & make it even wacker
Originally Posted by MaRVOLOUSJay
and by da way he didn't spit a punchline dat was a personal

^Can someone be any more dumb
Anyways..MarvJ's would have been 2002..His multi was nice,but gifted lines are played.Sobe. came simple,but effective with a personal.The only thing he should have done was qoute MarvJ's punch from last week.So people will know what bar he's talking about.But ironic thing is..marvj took a shitty punch and made it even wacker THIS WEEK AS WELL.LoL.Sobe. wins.


27. Haiku Sylabis vs. 28. Aimez
Man You Couldnt Have a "Tight Win" Even If You Butt Hole Was Closed Shut
Your Lines Are Like "Old Prostitutes" Because We've AlreadY "Seniors Slut"

A senior line?AGAIN?WTf @ everyone using played concepts all of a sudden


29. GreatnesS vs. 30. Common
put you in check.... on the chessboard of life
where I'm an Evil King... and you? Good Knight

Greatness's line was semi-played.Because their are many chess lines being used.But the thing is..I never seen it done the way greatness did it.Meh,he wins by no-show.


31. Kon.Tay.Juz vs. 32. SlicKnife
You couldn't have the advantage in this battle even if you host it..
................And you about as sharp as what i butter my toast wit..
...masturbatin’ with the periodic table to his eyes
this kid still couldn’t come with the element of surprise…

Decent battle.I had predicted Slicknife to win this though.His punch did had some potential.But the problem was that he related come with cum.Which is like,really played.And where does the surprise part come from?I understand the masterbate/periodic..and come/element..but where does surprise come from?.Kon came with a nameplay.Simple,but effective.And he also had a nice multi to go with it.Kon.Tay.Juz wins.


33. Ill Technique vs. 34. Dizzee Rascal
I'll Slap This Kid Harder Than Pimps Do To Prostitutes
Since God Didn't Give You Skill..........
Just Leave Cause We Have Nothin To Offer You!
Might aswell hit this cunt in the head, he no idea what i said
Cus ur destined to be a failure like a malfunctioning bionic leg

Meh,mediocre battle here.I don't know where ILL technique was going with his punch.His 1st line was shit.And his punch was really weak.Dizzie should have taken out the to-be-a and just put tibia to make the wordplay easier to catch,cuz that seemed to be the basis of his bar.But,that's not really anything major.Dizzie wins this easy.

Winner: Dizzie Rascal

35. Poetics vs. 36. Illict

Illicit wins for being less gay.


37. Hitokiri Butosai vs. 38. Elicer
Enough Talking Bull Shit Cause You Going To Lose
He Couldn't Be Ahead Of Me If He Was The Tip Of My Shoes
Only 1 post in yur welcome thread, lets be real, yur straight hated on kid
when yur kickin it with yur boys.....their all wearing shirts "<-- I'm with stupid"

Well..mediocre battle,but compared to the rest of the shit this week,it's good.Hitokiri Butosai came with a really basic punchline.I never seen it before,but some voters said the concept was too played,and that he didn't add a decent flip into it to make it fresh.But elicer's shit was corny.Sounded liek something a little kid would write.And it didn't even rhyme.Both of them got a good amount of votes,but Hitokiri Butosai won in the end.

Winner: Hitokire Butosai

39. Fraud vs. 40. Rile1
man, u are so frikkin wack
cuz with skills, dawg u lack

rile 1 wins,a no-show punch..Blah,what a boring week this was.


41. KOOL COL-B vs. One Mic
you in three crews? i dont care, man, just give up your weak
when i say this guys underground, i aint talkin bout rap, i mean literally!
fr-fr-fr-fresh, im bout 2 have sum fun, aight
i aint tryna b u, but people gonna say "u won mike!"

The other battle that these 2 had a while back was far better in my opinion.One Mic's rhyme scheme was a little ifffy here.Your weak-Literally..,that's choppy rhyming.And I seen a lot of underground lines before.Not specifically the same one that he used though.And some of his shit was unecessary.Like,why bring up the part about 3 crews?What relevance does that have to the punch?Colby came decent at most in this battle.Only problem was how he had to explain it in order for people to get it.Kool-Col-B won.


43. T.r.oo.P vs. 44. Past Tense
lol Bitch..YoU dont make Sense Please Sort Out Anotha Location
Shit I'd Cum Hard 2 If i was Affiliated wit tha Penis Suckin Association
let me dumb it down for you, cuz u cant comprehend or follow
ur a fucking mistake, .............................
.................................................i shoulda requested ur mother to swallow

Weak ass battle.For one,Past tense did the unthinkable.For 2 weeks in a row..he came with played shit.And I mean,really played.That whole swallow/mother shit been used long ago.Hell,Big L used it in a freestyle in 98'..and at that time,it was considered fresh,now,it's not.Troop put "lol" in a punch,which is pathetic.I don't think "lol,Lmao,Rofl," or anything like that have a place in punches.And just because the first letters in a few words spell his crew doesn't make it a diss.A couple of weeks ago,some dude did the same thing with PSA,so it's nothing creative neither.So,yea...Troop still wins for coming less wack.


45. Garth Algar vs. 46. Macca
lol at ya name. I'm sorry but I can't talk to a tweaker
Hell you probly the bitch at the party fuckin the streakers

But he wins by no-show


47. Mystic Chaos vs. 48. Legend
Lay ya rhymes on the "STREET" cuz they cant stay up wit mines
Cuz you couldnt be "STRETCH" even wit your own whack lines
you want to be champ,well try to stay straight.i know its hard being gay all da time
cause i dont want yo rhymes coming out "crooked",like sylvester stalones mouth line

Ehh,these 2 could have made this battle good.But they didn't,nothing special at all here.For one,Legend's bar is the epotome of a stretched line.I mean,DAMN,that shit was stretched.But,when u look past that..he still had a decent punch.Mystic chaos had to drop an explanation in order for cats to get it.And even still,it was weak.Legend won for having a decent punch.Just next time,don't stretch your lines out


49. Tie-D vs. 50. Dex
this guys a joke, cant set apart skunk and spunk
puffed a funky joint and wondered why his lungs sunk
i aint dre but im a dr. in my area of expertise
you aint a patient but il wipe you out like a disease

Wow @ the wackness in this fucking battle.I really don't know where these 2 were going with their bars,Shit sucked.But at least dex said he'll wipe out Tie-D.Tie-D bassically said nothing.HE was bettter off saying "I am a faggot" than posting that wack shit.So in the end..
Originally Posted by Tie-D
weak but who cares

Umm..I think you should..

Winner: Dex
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