Thread: Checkmate
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Old 12-28-05, 09:16 AM   #8
atti?'s Avatar
Posts: 3,147

Ya, what in the fuck? Feedback has gotten so pussy since I was last here. This piece was horrible man. I hate to break it to you but, I don't even wanna see anymore shit like this in this forum again.

For one... Thats like 8 lines! That's not an OM that's a cypher drop, so don't waste OM readers time. If you're going to take the effort to actually post atleast make sure it's a minimum of 16 lines. And lastly... NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR STUPID GANGSTER SHIT! We're all tired of it. Rv has seen mooooooore than enough wannabe's and the last thing that we need is one more. Think outside the box man. Talking about the same shit but think of creative way to deliver it because this is just... Blah.
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