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Old 12-29-05, 06:39 PM   #23
E.C's Avatar
Posts: 5,168
From: u.k


ok listnin...

non: beats sick... flow is ok.. emotion needs to be upped quality is meh punches were ok i spose nothig stood out to me though, delivery needs work lots of pops n shit in there

overall not that bad deffo not the worst ive heard but u need some work...

ok rev.. sick beat... intro is kool.. quality is meeh... emotion is better, flow falls off a bit punches were ok... delivery was pretty kool your new to this... um flow keeps fallin off u dont rlly switch it up some of ya punches were aight

very close battle but imma give it to non fixion

his punches were easier to understand quality was a bit betterr but revs emotion n delivery were better...

flow goes to non fixion without a doubt thats why he got this

better flow better overall track

sorry its not explained that much but this was aint iite battle pz

v/ non

..Open Mics..