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Old 01-21-06, 02:53 PM   #11
Posts: 7,092
From: Chitown

y do people act like its bullshit wen JayZ says that hes showin respect wen he bites these lines........???? it makes no sense to think he's bitin other peoples lines and hopin people wont recognize it...... cuz he's "bit" off albums that went platinum.... he OBVIOUSLY knows he wouldnt get away with it..... and most the shit people say he bit arent even good lines..... most of em arent punches or anythin real lyrical.......

and there have also been a few times where people have sed "he bit so and so" and ive heard the two lines....... and i just think its the same concept...... i mean, kids on rv use the same concepts 3 million times on this site, i think there are gonna be a couple times wen JayZ with his 2 million songs is gonna have a concept similar to one of the other billion rappers and kids that call themselves emcees......

im not even a big Jay fan, but i think people are stupid for thinkin that wat Jay is doin is bitin........ i mean, someone tell me the reason behind his biting..... knowing that he knows theres no way he would pass off 90% of those lines as his own wen he takes most of em from hit singles and platinum rappers..... it might be a sellin records thing...... but shit, i wanna sell records, and im sure all of u wanna do to.....

and this is besides the fact that almost every beat that comes out today has a sample from some other song, with the kanye west style....... and kids drool all over them...... thats alot more unoriginal (altho i like alotta sampled instumentals) than any bitin jay has done

even if u gave me like 100 or so lines Jay bit, i still wouldnt say that that should put a dent in his skills seeings that hes prolly written and recorded over a 100s of songs, with lets say 3 16 line verses for each........

blah (is finished with rampage)

...The real Renegade before Hova...
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