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Old 01-24-06, 11:48 PM   #1
I Am Unreal.
Light Weight
I Am Unreal.'s Avatar
Posts: 327
From: Ontario
Space As I Know It


They say aspiring astronauts are admiral souls
Advocating life’s questions by amending a role
They’re consoled by a zephyr’s breeze… eased
By a better tether chaining Earth to human beings
Space is perceived as
“The infinite extension of the three-
Dimensional region… in which all matter exists”
But to me it seems to be an end to a means
Where bliss escapes me and explores my needs
I employ these themes, different as contrasted, but
Sometimes I wonder…
“Does space go on forever?
Or do we just make it such?”
I had a hunch, go in search, find truth and live life
But as infinite was defined by…
“Unlimited in spatial extent”
…………………………………My insight died…
I knew I’d never know the answers until life passed
Or else I’d be chasing something that didn’t exist.
Have you ever heard the tale of a child so weary
To ask out a girl that he loved so dearly?
He’d write “sincerely, anonymous” to sign his post
It was monotonous; clearly a girl can’t see a ghost
So she stopped looking, and the boy lost all hope
And the story goes; it’s the same for every timid boy
But how is timid defined?
If you say “Lacking self-confidence”
You’re out of your mind.
See, being timid is simply being shy,
Some would say that clouds sometimes hide the sky…
So we see eye to eye.
Because there are stars out there just as shy as our great sun
And another life form is likely taking to every one…
So one day when I become my own shooting star
I’ll talk to a wise and aged poet…
I know it’s not fact. It’s just space as I know it.

Black Queen - Look Out
Wicked One - Remember Me
Was he robbed of the ashphalt that cushioned his face?
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