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Old 03-02-06, 06:15 PM   #1
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.
Why I don't like 95% of christians.


Well, first of all, there is the matter of the impenetrable web of excuses and beliefs that makes absolutely no sense at all.

For example, the way Christians perceive prayer. You talk to nothing, or think something to yourself and God hears it. If you pray that a friend of yours recovers from being sick, and he does, then it’s a miracle. If you pray for him to recover and he dies, then it was a good thing, because god helped him by bringing him “to a better place.”

And I can’t stand those people who say, “It makes sense that God exists. How could he not exist? Look at the universe. It doesn’t make sense to say that God doesn’t exist.”

Everybody goes there when I question their beliefs. Well let me tell you what I THINK doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense that you believe in an invisible MAN (yes man. The Christian god is a “he”) that is all loving and all merciful with infinite grace. Last time I checked, condemning somebody to eternal damnation, pain, and suffering for questioning your existence using the intelligence you gave them is NOT merciful, or loving and is nowhere near graceful.

Also, if you believe:
-He impregnated a 13-year-old virgin girl.
-In the ritual of blood atonement, killing something pure so you can get rid of your impurities (i.e. Jesus)
-Believing in such a God makes you righteous, despite the atrocities or evils you may have committed.
-Believing in God makes you a better person than everyone else

Then you are really not thinking logically. I think its pretty stupid to blindly believe something you were told. I was a Christian when I was younger, but I grew out of it. As soon as I was smart enough to think philosophically, I questioned the very nature of religion and stopped calling myself a Christian. Its just not smart to believe in something irrational. What kind of sick God would create a race with enough intelligence to question his existence and then give us no proof of his existence (don’t say the bible. I mean direct proof). What does he expect us to do? Of course some people wont believe. If that’s the case, then the Christian god is nothing but a kid with a magnifying glass.

Im not saying there is absolutely no spiritual side to life. Im saying all forms of Christianity and belief in the Christian God do not appeal to me in any way.

Please, christians, argue with me... Give me a reason to believe. And dont say some shit like "Well you can believe what you want. But just know that judgement day will come and then you'll be punished. Christianity isnt about facts, you idiot, its about faith." Faith = blind belief.
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