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Old 03-04-06, 05:15 PM   #25
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Socrates
If you have faith, there's a reason for it, it's not blind belief. Someone like myself wouldn't believe in God if I was just told to, so I know my faith is realistic. However, there's no point in trying to say shit to you because you're one of those atheists who will never ever believe anything because there aren't "facts". So next time you believe in anything that someone else doesn't believe in, just remember thats how we feel about God.

OK. If everyone has a good reason, then why is it most of the christians I ask about their faith either dont give me a straight answer, or say something stupid like "I grew up as a christian" or "How could God not exist?" or "Because Jesus died for our sins" etc etc etc... Reasons like that just dont cut it for me. Im open minded, but im not foolish enough to believe something without proper reasoning. I think you'll find that a lot of christians dont know shit all about their own faith and their own religion.

And I believe in plenty of things other people dont believe in, so I know how you feel. You're thinking "why can't everybody just believe in God and be saved...? Theyre destroying themselves in the long run. Don't they understand?"
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