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Old 03-26-06, 09:00 AM   #6
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Originally Posted by Thoth
That's actually extremely relevant to how I feel about Intelligence.

I think i might understand what your saying in terms of spiritual warfare.
Because it's my logic, thats either a gift from God, or a gift from satan to force me to rationalize and shove God out of my life because it's my rationale that challenges God.

At the time, my rationale could be a Gift from God, to try and help me come to grips with the idea that not everything can be understood. some things just have to be believed in. It's easy for someone who doesn't think to accept what someone says is right or wrong, but i think faith comes in, when you are forced to think, and still choose to believe in something that you can't comprehend.

at the same time, am i selfish and conceited to think that I am worthy of a gift from God?
Or is that feeling of possibly being selfish and conceited, a trick of the devil to make me feel guilty and distract me from God's grace, and his example(s) of love to me.

Absolutely not...The bible says we are "fearfully" and "wonderfully" made. There are a few people on this site who actually think that everything they hold as "true" is quantifiable. That's ridiculous. Anything we "believe" or "hold as true" is an exercise in faith, to an extent. Prove to me that Alexander the great conquered mesopotamia. Prove to me that dinosaurs roamed the earth. At some point, what we believe is simply the acceptance of facts based on the preponderance of information, or evidence, presented. Therefore, when someone uses the bible to refute the bible, that's a paradoxical error that can't be overcome. For example, Apexx has said that belief doesn't make sense unless you can prove it. That's contradictory of the definition of belief. Then, in earlier threads from January, he made it known that he didn't believe in God. So, to show you now satan works, let me illustrate what he did just recently. He dug up scriptures that condemned homosexuality in an attempt to judge me. Sure, he'll say it was to prove a point on a different topic, but that's bogus. If he doesn't believe the bible enough to believe in God, then why quote scripture that holds no power? I'll tell you why. Satan is a liar. Satan did the same thing to Jesus as he prepared to begin his ministry. Satan knows the scriptures inside and out. Therefore, he was able to mix lies with truth = his specialty. He will play on your insecurities and fears, then, mix in the truth to bring you to your knees. It's actually pretty clever.
Here's an example:

The bible says God loves us and died for us. The bible also says when you delight yourself in the Lord, He'll give you the desires of your heart.

So, let's say a man loses his job and begins to waiver in his faith. Satan sees that, knows the scripture, and will come to break his spirit apart.

Here's what Satan says:

"Look at you. You don't have a job" = TRUTH

Remember, he then mixes lies with truth.

He then says:

"God has cursed you to be broke because you've done wrong." = LIES

So, what happens is, we obsess over that and being to agree with it in our MINDS. That is one example of spiritual warfare. It's a war of the mind.

There's more. But, I'm hungry and want some french toast.
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